Sunday, March 1, 2009

Vis de Primavara

Lasa sa-ti picure in suflet inca o primavara... las-o sa-ti cuprinda obrajii si sa-ti invaluie inima; danseaza cu ea in lumina soarelui si las-o sa-ti umple bratele cu flori si iubire...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be all you were born to be

Inside of you is purpose waiting to be defined,
Inside of you is wisdom waiting to be found,
Inside of you is peace waiting to be felt,
Inside of you is power waiting to be given wings...

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Song of Dolphins

Nu lasa sa treaca o zi fara sa vezi, fara sa auzi sau fara sa citesti ceva frumos.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Daca ai sti

Daca ai sti, tu, omule,
cata dragoste a investit
Tatal in tine, daca ai stii-
esti cea mai inalta si perfecta
manifestare de energie Divina,
esti cea, cea mai complexa
exprimare a lui Dumnezeu.

Exista ceva

Exista ceva pe lume mult
mai important decat viata,
credinta, credinta in Iisus, in lumina,
in adevar, credinta ca nimic
nu-i prea greu, ca exista
rasplata pentru cei buni
si pedeapsa pentru cei rai.

Dumnezeu cand

Dumnezeu, cand a facut lumea,
a pus in fiecare din noi
o scanteie divina, un strop
din nemurire, apoi ne-a lasat
pe noi, oamenii, s-o transformam,
ne-a lasat si puterea de-a intelege;
unii au transformat-o in flacara,
iar unii au pierdut-o pe drum.

Fie-va mila

Voi toti cei ce-l iubiti
pe Iisus si aveti in suflet
iubirea si mila, imprastiati-o
in toate cele patru zari,
fie-va mila de toti necajitii,
de toti cei rataciti, ridicati-i
de jos, saditi, si-n sufletele
lor, iubirea si lumina.

~Desanca Nicolai, (Calatorii in Eternitate)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Illusion & Reality

Do You Know Who You Are?

"We run away all the time to avoid coming face to face with ourselves."

"Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character. Blessed is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul."

Think of self discovery as an adventure, an important journey and allow yourself to explore, to learn, to be a beginner again.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let's paint 2009 !

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.”

As the New Year started, a whole new beginning is waiting for us to embrace it.
Its like a new Sunrise… of Hope, of Prosperity, of Happiness
Its like a new Beginning… of Thoughts, of Words, or Actions
Its like a new Day… of Energy, of Strength, of Ideas
Its like a bunch of whole new things… of Prayers, of Friends, and of Love.
There are more opportunities for us to accomplish more things, in more different fields, engaging in more different activities, than have ever existed before. New beginnings call for getting rid of the old mindsets or the old ways of looking and thinking at things.
Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do, no matter what age we are, or what our circumstances might be, we are special, and we still have something unique to offer.

"What art offers is space - a certain breathing room for the spirit."

Let's dare to become artists of our own life, let's use the finest "colours" and project the best we can.

1. Use HOPE, faith, and your trust in God and His wisdom to guide you to the future that's right for you. You can create your own future by focusing your thoughts on what you wish to accomplish. Know that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life - both good and bad.

2. Make it your ASPIRATION to achieve something worthwhile. Learn a new skill, or seek greater knowledge in areas you don't now have. Seek and master new ways to do something that's already been done -and- do it better! Use the power of purpose by giving whatever it is you desire the highest amount of your attention. This determines how successful you will become.

3. Make a concentrated effort to improve, grow, and PROSPER. Increase your financial security. Dare to be happy. Exercise and stay in good health. Keep a positive attitude. Do whatever it takes to improve your personal and business image. And know that your relationship with giving is the spiritual source of your true prosperity.

4. Treat your life, family, friends, and others you meet as a PRECIOUS gift to be enjoyed, and of great value. Regard them with a love that is special and - it will all come back to you. Send forth good and it multiples. Honor every one you come in contact with today, tomorrow, and make it an ongoing behavior. This too, is paid back to you by the Universe.

5. To YEARN is to express compassion. Dare to experience it and show compassion for those less fortunate then you are. Offer ways to help others whenever and wherever you can. Give only good. The more you give of yourself, the more comes back to you. It may help make this a better world.

6. Learn to NETWORK and link to other like-minded individuals; whether it's in an educational, business, or social setting the benefits can add to your growth and success. Celebrate and share your abilities so that you can attract more of the same.

7. Be EAGER to learn new things. Opportunities are all around you. Having an intense passion or desire to find new opportunities is the sign of an enthusiastic person. This desire comes from God. In order for you to find new opportunities, always move toward your goal with a spiritual awareness.

8. WISDOM - the ability to make well thought out decisions comes from maturity and understanding. In any given situation, it is wise not to judge until all facts are understood. Be open to understanding another's point of view. Do you look at the world with a positive or a negative vision?

9. YESTERDAY is a day that has just passed. Now you are free to live in the present. Use each new day wisely and full of gratitude for every hour, every minute, and every second. Set goals for each day and take specific actions that will help you accomplish them.

10. ELOQUENT. Are you confident, persuasive and effective in the way you communicate? When speaking with others how would you rate yourself? Are you always voicing negative opinions? Or, are you positive in expressing your thoughts?

11. ADVERTISE. For those in business, always make the positive features and benefits of your product or service known. Appeal to the emotions of your prospective client. Give quality service and products so that your self-esteem is strengthened and your reputation is valued.

12. Here's hoping that you will REWARD yourself for any successful personal and business achievements. Improve your skills where and when needed. Change any negative habits, and always follow God's guidance in all things you attempt to do.

May this New Year bring you many blessings of good health, dreams to come true, prayers to be answered, and gratitude for all.
Remember: "Life is a series of new beginnings and in every ordinary moment there are a thousand miracles to behold." :)